Monday, December 14, 2015

Antibiotics originating quite a surprise

Have you ever thought of taking the pills themselves drink ingredients are extracted from the insect's brain, the sediment on the sea bottom, the skin of frog or raccoon can't...?
Antibiotics originating quite a surprise

Think of antibiotics, everyone assumed it was transplanted from the category of antibiotic drug pilicilin-type fungus.

But have you ever thought of taking the pills themselves drink ingredients are extracted from the insect's brain, the sediment on the sea bottom, the skin of frogs, pandas ...? Below is a list of the types of antibiotics are the most exotic origins are discovered by scientists in recent years.

Cockroach brains

You can tell that the cockroaches are nasty little creatures, foul but they can help protect you against some of the rare disease. In a study published in 2010, researchers from the University of Nottingham, United Kingdom, reported that they had successfully extracted a antibiotics retrieved components from cockroaches, grasshoppers have brain brain crushed.

This drug has the ability to destroy many types of bacteria including Escherichia coli strains in bacteria (e. coli)-causes of meningitis and bacteria methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus (MRSA) causes infections "staph" do not respond to conventional antibiotic treatment.

TS. Naveed Khan, the lead author of the study and said the discovery of antibiotics against cockroach brains extracted from MRSA is a special step because the disease is resistant to many antibiotics so do not yet have effective treatments. Also according to TS. Khan, the idea to study antibiotics from the insect comes from the question why the cockroach species live in filthy environment, filled with bacteria, parasites can survive healthily.

The crocodile

Scientists wonder why wounds of a crocodile always recovered quickly after the attacks his prey. We have a strong immune system. Scientists see potential value source crocodile for a powerful antibiotics can be used to combat bacterial infections related to diabetic ulcers and severe burns.

In 2008, a study by scientists from McNeese State University and Louisiana State University, United States of America showed that proteins extracted from the leukemia cells can destroy the crocodile a range of health-threatening bacteria including MRSA bacteria. Scientists are trying to implant special protein from crocodiles on the surface of the bacteria and then this protein will quickly penetrate, break the internal structure of the bacteria and kill them.

Mucous catfish

Types of catfish like catfish, catfish, catfish fish three fish, Pangasius, sa living in water under the floor, near the mud frequently exposed to the bacterium causing the disease but that does not seem to harm them. This has led scientists interest and study, they found that the mucous secretions catfish onto the skin of antibodies that help fight disease-causing bacteria. In a study published in the journal of applied science in 2011, Indian scientists have collected the epidermal mucilage from catfish and spotted the mucus from fish skin are very effective in inhibiting the growth of bacteria dangerous to human health as : E. coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae.

Microorganisms from ocean sediments

Though anthrax can be treated with existing antibiotics like ciprofloxacin but there is always the possibility of this disease-causing bacteria become resistant to antibiotics. Therefore, scientists at Scripps Center, Institute for biological and biomedical Marine Research, America and discovered a new compound anthracimycin, initial tests showed it was able to destroy the powerful for both anthrax and MRSA. Anthracimycin is produced from micro-organisms lurk in the ocean sediments that researchers discovered. Maybe because coming from marine sediments should anthracimycin chemical structure is very different from the composition of the existing antibiotics and this makes the bacteria more difficult in the drug resistance anthracimycin.


The researchers at the Nanjing Agricultural University, China discovered in Panda's blood contains a powerful antibiotic compounds called cathelicidin-AM help them against bacteria and fungi. This compound can kill bacteria in less than one hour. The experts are trying to research this component extract on drug treatment in humans.

Leaf-cutting ants in South America

Ants use simultaneously several kinds of antibiotics to eradicate the harmful fungi and bacteria do not desire in mushroom growing areas to make food for larvae and ants. TS. Matt Hutchings, a biologist at the University of East Anglia in England the same associates have conducted successfully separated bacteria symbiotic actinomycte on the body. This discovery opens up the prospect of an antibiotic treatment for bacterial disease caused by the fungus causing in humans.

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